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  • Stefano Borzì's avatar
    Adapt AoWoW to AzerothCore (#3) · 88669c04
    Stefano Borzì authored
    * Pages/Achievements
     * display additional crosslinkable conditions from achievement_criteria_data
    * comments/formating
     * added missing whitespace betweeen date and patch version
     * reordered dmy to fit selected locale.
    * Page/Header
     * send 404 if an incorrect page or typeId was requested
    * Home/Featuredbox
     * allow defining a time span during which the box should be displayed
     * added fields optional fields to point to diffenret header and home logos for the duration
    * Libs/jQuery
     * updated to 1.12.4 (plus compatibility changes in affected javascripts)
     * fixed double escapes on featuredbox text
     * fixed rogue whitespace
    * Setup/Items
     * fixed an sql error by forgotten var
    * Types/Items
     * prevent a possible recursion occuring when preparing ItemSources
    * Setuo/enchants
     * reduced overhead by directly querying for spells instead of wrapping them in a SpellList (that functions i didn't neeed)
     * skip enchantments from items without source
    * Spell/Procs
     * updated to get data from new table
     * fixed proc data being displayed for unprocable effects
    * Setup/Misc
     * wrap LEFT JOINed fields in IFNULL() to prevent errors on setup
     * also adapt to changed TC table structure
     * add ORDER to prevent skipping entries, if not already ordered in source table
    * Setup/Titles
     * fixed title sources, where one title has multiple sources
    * Setup/Misc
     * fixed complexImage always selecting images for LOCALE_EN if able
     * fixed serverside events being displayed in the calendar
     * set initial memory limit to 4GB
     * set initial db_version to current version (forgotten to do that for a long time :x )
     * updated and .gitignore; revision incremented
    * User/Weightscales
     * saving now always updates the name
     * name is now urldecoded
    * Setup/Zones
     * fixed flagging valid zones as hidden if no displayable map was present
    * Misc
     * ignore one more generated file
     * also its 2017 already
    * Setup/Creature
     * fixed sync for creature_template_locale
    * Item/Tooltip
     * fixed quote in faction link
    * Items/Currency
     * do not display unique-limited amount on item if currency token
     * display as cap on currency page instead
    * Spells/Description
     * support parsing another form of formula
     * mod regen auras (mostly food) have an implicit periode of 5sec.
    * Spell/Trainer
     * do not use trainer templates when getting trainer by spell
    * Item/Shared CD
     * items should not share a cooldown with themself
    * Forms/Placeholder
     * removed placeholder text images for input fields
     * readded text as placeholder attribute
    * Articles
     * escape article content again
     * restore home logo on maintenance page
    * Nav/RedButtons
     * pass parameters as ready to use - objects
    * Config/Locales
     * if your current language becomes invalid select the first viable one instead of defaulting to LOCALE_EN
    * Screenshots
     * aproving a screenshot now flags the corresponding db entry as having a screenshot
     * deleting & moving screenshots works equivalent
     * instancing a new TypeClass without parameters no longer grabs everything from the corresponding tables ( pass a "[true]" to retain this behaviour)
     * retroactively flag db entries for having screenshots
     * fixed a typo
    * Whoops
     * partially revert 99760d7c7266668318a2f578c0d31bd6c2270ed9
     * fixed another type on quests list page
     * added default cases for empty data to pets and races list pages
     * improved typelist iterator to be recursively callable
    * Fixup
     * access class property in screenshot/comment-admin by function. Aowow is compatible with PHP 5.5 again
     * changed line-endings across the board from \r\n to \n
    * Fixup
     * added missing brackets from copypasta-disaster
    * Setup/Creatures
     * hide creatures for internal use from listviews
     * correct Nightelf Player faction
     * trying to enforce strict line endings
    * Spells/Tooltips
     * fixed range display when friend- and foe-distances differ
     * fixed interpretation of $l-switch
     * do note prepare unnessecary data for the currency-for tab (eases load)
    * implementation of Sound DB
    Client sounds are cross-referenced with as many other DB-Types as possible. Including, but not limited to:
     * Character VOs (Errors, Emotes)
     * Creature VOs (Boss Dialogue)
     * Zone Music and Ambience
     * Sounds triggerd by spells
     * Sounds from general item/spell usage, creature behavior
     * only one locale is supported. Choose wisely!
    * revision push
    * Setup/ItemEnchantment
     * updated setup to for
    * Misc
     * edited example in to be more clear
     * fixed a typo in RedButton template.
     * fixed a typo in comment ajax. Can now use sticky again.
     * fixed a logic error in comment reply js. do not line break image sources.
    * Misc
     * fixed note in quest tab on zone detail page
     * fixed a notice when creating item tooltips while passing an empty randomEnchantment value
     * fixed currencies having no icons on zone detail page
    * Pages/Quest
     * added map to quest detail page
     * some minor issues rooted in weired loot templates remain
    * Localization/frFR
     * some touch-ups
     * thx @Endalaust
    * Admin/Screenshots
     * restrict ability to irrevocably delete files to U_GROUP_ADMIN
     * be a tad more lenient when filtering excessive sources
    * Spell/Effects
     * do not rely displayInfo for spell effects, that can occur multiple times per spell
     * always send all currency-info to javascript (an item may require more then one to be bought)
    * Spells/Tooltips
     * fixed parser for lastValue/gender-switch (previous pattern matched against that too)
     * also its a stupid idea to replace a var with itself
    * Quest/Map
     * assign objective text to map pips if possible
    * Items/Menu
     * fixed preselection of menu items on Items List Page
     * fixed display and preselection of 'Type' option list
    * Articles/Races
     * added french translation (thx @Endalaust and his translators)
    * Quests/Map
     * correctly apply styles to map selector
     * correcly prepare map selector string
    * Spell/Detail Page
     * parse effect 103 (Reputation)
     * calc actual value from custom_reward_rate
    * Reputation
     * apply reputation_reward_rate to rewards on Quest Detail Page
     * apply reputation_reward_rate to NPC Detail Page
    * Template
     * merge text-page-generic into list-page-generic
    * Markup
     * add some more options to tags (mostly directly setting class and style)
    * Articles
     * distinguish between articles for dbpage and other articles
     * can be served by url instead of arbitrary picked type/typeId-pair
     * save access to article in db (not used yet)
     * serve correct g_pageInfo if on article-page
     * implemented info pages
    * SiteConfig
     * always place newly added php-configurations in the misc-category
    * User/Contribs
     * added reputation threshold for replys to config
     * check canComment and canReply separately
     * disable contrib-tabs if the user is banned
    * Misc
     * Github link to home-footer
     * formating errors in
     * oh, i hate this markdown syntax sooo much :x
    * Disables
     * display db-entries as disabled or unavailable if appropriate
     * affects now achievements and quests in addition to spells
     * flag items without source as unavailable
     * flag quests without starter als unavailable
     * i guess i forgott to add the template...
     ...among other things
    * Config/Sanity
     * Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    * Privileges
     * add individual pages and corresponding articles
     * yes the sql-update was forgotten
    * Privilege
     * add forgotten template file
    * Errors
     * try to die a bit more gracefull if errors occur
    * Setup/Sounds
     * resolved duplicate naming of setup function
    * topUsres
     * implemented top users overview
     * w/o achievements, uploads, forum posts, yadda yadda
    * Updates/SQL
     * noticed having comments inside querys in these files breaks them
     * also there appear to be files with \r line endings left
    * Setup/Firstrun
     * forgot to add sounds generator to firstrun script
    * Setup/Sounds
     * updated sql update for changed generator
     * do not throw an invalid scripts supplied - error if no actual scripts where suppied
       (in case of update it is skipped, in every other case it generates everything anyway)
    * Fixups
     * undefined variables in Markup.js
     * logic error preventing screenshot uploads
     * bitshift by negative value in spell
     * and i'm pretty sure i already added an exception handler at one point
    * Screenshots/filesize
     * UHD screens are pretty large
     * also nginx is a thing and not affected by htaccess (just to keep in mind)
    * Admin/Screenshots
     * do not display deleted screenshots on initial listing
    * Admin/Screenshots
     * do not limit screenshot sources
     * display floored maps
    * Errors / Logging
     * try to log fatal errors if able
    * Setup/Icons
     * fixed offsets for class / race icons (should no longer capture icon border from tile)
    not important, but you may want to run: aowow --build=simpleImg --icons -f
    * Contribute
     * added option to hide contribute tabs depending on subject (screenshots for sounds .. yeah, right)
    * Articles/Classes
     * added localization for frFR (thx @Endalaust and his translators)
    * Layout
     * make main-contents slightly wider to prevent overlaps
     * make classes listview name column slightly wider to prevent overlap
    * PHP/Compatibility
     * should now work with php5 again
    * DB/SQL-Modes
     * force disable special modes that will prevent our funny queries
    * IconDB
     * initial implementation
     * this includes a complete reindexing of everything touching icons
     * this also means, no linking to red-rocket-site though, they index them differently
    * IconDB/Fixups (obligatory)
     * table had wrong engine
     * two hunter pets have unique icons only referenced in creaturefamily.dbc
     * fixed links to rel-tabs
    * README
    fixed line breaks in Q/A-secion
    * Spells/Effects
     * only use MiscValue as spellid for SpellEffect:155
     * interpret and display SpellEffect 293
     * SpellEffects 131 & 132 can both play audio
    * Item/Tooltips
     * restore icon to tooltips after iconDB-changes tripped over a long forgotten change
    * README
    * updated audio generation as suggested in #93
    * fixed indentation
    * Fixups
     * fixed two typos
    * Fixups
     * fixed two typos
    * Misc/Fixups
     * fixed file generators involving ?_icons table
     * known spells onspell detail page should have a localized tooltip
     * fixed numer formating in spell tooltips for locales with a ',' as decimal
     * fixed php-tag in contribute template, causing parse error
    * Currencies
     * fixed sold-by tab on detail pag
     * fixed display if rewarded for quest
    * Misc/Errors
     * Item/XML
        - fixed setting typeId when lookup was item name
        - fixed lookup by name with utf8-chars
     * Items
        - do not display page for invalid categories
     * NPC
        - fixed reputation display
     * Quest
        - broke infinite loop occuring when quest is in chain with itself
     * Filters
        - handle different sizes of cr, crs and crv passed
    * Setup/DBCs
     * vastly improved memory usage when handling DBCs
     * DBCs are no longer read entirely into memory, instead appropriate file handles are used.
     * read data is written to DB in reasonable intervals instead of all at once
     * DBC-class can no longer read from DB, but that wasn't used anyway
     * can now interpret the HOME-shorthand (~) in paths
    * Setup/DB
     * table prefix for aowow is now fixed to 'aowow_'
     * no more input required
    * WIN/Misc
     * windows compatibility changes
       - prevent crash on very large querys by reducing query size
       - set memory limit to something less than 2GB. Old value caused memory_limit to be set to something miniscule. (with the changes to DBC extraction this should now be feasable)
       - be a tad more lenient with time when generating enchant-datasets
    * Creatures
     * flag creatures using creaturedisplayinfoextra.dbc as humanoid
    * Setup/DBC
     * index column Id => id
     * why was this exception even there.
     * also DBCs copied directly into aowow_tables should work again
    * Lang/Items
     * apply templates from GlobalStrings.lua
     * fix some translation errors in the process .. also, if s.o. knows, what constructs like |3-1(%s) do to the passed string, please tell me.
    * Lang/Items
     * try to account for non-latin formating
     * use correct words provided by GlobalStrings.lua
    * Fixup/Typo
     * bracket order fail
    * DB/PageText
     * update structure for TrinityCore/TrinityCore@fbbe247114d092be1d20768419608bfa9cc57608
    * Util/Lang
     * cleanup Util 1/2
     * move spell effect/aura strings to Lang
    * Util/Game
     * cleanup Util 2/2
     * move game related functions and variables to new class: Game
    * Zones/Misc
     * fix allowed categories on ListPage
     * fix instances for zone 3523
    * ListPages/Filter
     * vastly improved input validation
     * content and type validation occurs when filter is created
     * contextual filters like itemTypes are now only applied in context
    * Misc
     * added option to 'verbose' concatenate a list of items to class Lang
     * added option to strip tags from a string to class Markdown
     * fixed several instances of wrong categories on pages
     * actually display world state conditions for zone music
     * some typos all over the place
    * Zones/DetailPage
     * directly display AudioControls for all ZoneMusic & Ambience
    * Pages/Spell
     * display category cooldown in table
    * Misc/Debug
     * remove leftover output
    * Filters/Items
     * fixed forgotten rename, breaking page with certain tabs
     * fixed typo, breaking stat weights
    * Misc/Fixup
     * stray backet braking enchantments list page
    * Tooltips
     * place tooltip for daily quests
     * place tooltip for real time duration
    * Misc/Errors
     * fixes some notices from log
     * fixed error when handling cookies
    * Spells/Tooltips
     * added base stats to be parsed (where skipped before)
     * dummy effects do not singal a healing spell
    * DB/Structure
     * implemented changes from (broadcastText localization)
    * DB/Structure
     * implemented changes from (item localization)
    * DB/Structure
     * implemented changes from (quest localization)
    * Readme
     * updated TDB requirement
    * Accounts
     * added config option for external recovery & creation
     * fixed typos in contribute brick for locale 2
    * Misc/Fixup
     * added missing leading whitespace to update queries
    * DB/Structure
     * implemented changed from (achievement reward mail localization)
    * DB/Structure
     * implemented changes from
     (creature text localization)
    * Readme
     * bump for new TDB dependancy
    * Adomin/Config
     * urlencode values or loose data on submit
    * Misc/Notices
     * fixed display of GemConditions on enchantment detail page
     * correctly initialize class and race masks for items
    * Admin/config
     * added onUpdate handler to rebuild affected files
    * README
     * removed SoX for WIN in favor of FFmpeg
     * added example scripts for batch audio conversion.
     * added a curious error case to the Q/A-section
    * NPCs/DetailPage
     * fixed extraCols for 'teaches' tab
    * Admin/siteconfig
     * also rebuild js-locales when updating available locales
     * somewhat unhappy with the access to generated files. need to find a better solution.
    * Quests/DetailPage
     * link to quest-ending spell if possible
    * Spell/ShapeshiftForms
     * move all localized strings to class Lang
     * added missing negation in flag check, causing stances not to be displayed
    * README
     * added another gotcha with auto-minifiers
    * Quests/DetailPage
     * correctly interpret exclusiveGroup values (maybe.. (who knows..))
    * Setup/Images
     * fixed error, causing everything to be displayed as not dound if anything was missing
     * added readable output to source finding stage
     * should now be obvious if something is missing
    * [PH] spell_group error suppressor
    * User/Auth
     * import user access from external auth source if available
    * Page/Maintenance
     * send appropriate status code: 503 (temporarily unavailable)
    thx @Magnifikator for the heads up
    * Setup/Firstrun:
     * try to resolve bad inputs for *_host and force_ssl, when they result in redirects (301, 302)
    * Factions/Articles
     * added french localization
    thx @Endalaust
    * Setup/Sounds
     * change extension of the temporary audio files for easier use with the supplied converter scripts.
    * Page/Home
    Fixes 2 html errors
    * Misc/Git
    added extracted sounds and setup files to .gitignore
    * Misc/Git
    added *.orig files to .gitignore
    * Misc/Typos
     * fixed typo/php-warning introduced in d83f370fb4f7740eaece8ef19aed1cacffadc989
    * Misc/Versions
     * AOWOW_REVISION is no longer expected to be numeric
       this allows for user-defined versions (e.g.4.1c) when changes
       within css/js files need to be forced into the web browser or
       existing cache files need to be invalidated
    * Items/Armor
     * fixed calculation of extra armor
    * Auth/Fixup
     * fix external login after 49a10e22
    * Profiler/Prep:
     * misc changes from profiler branch. No real changes on its own
    * Profiler/Filter
     * implemented flag options when searching for strings
    * Profiler/Gearscore
     * implement gearscore calculation
    im sad and i hate myself
    * Profiler/CLI
     * move command line related functions to its own class
    * Profiler/Backend
     * added core functions nessecary for profiler
    * Profiler/Frontend
     * add pages and templates to display arena teams, guilds and chars
    * Misc/Mergefix
     * added clean db dump
     * cleanup fails from profiler merge
     * maybe fixed setup being unable to find images for processing
     * version push
    * Setup/Sounds
     * make log more clear, that every available locale is checked
    * Profiler/Guilds
     * fixed forcing guildnames to string for js
     * made static string localized
    * Profiler/Profile
     * shorten raid activity string for locale deDE to prevent icons from showing up where they shouldn't (also needed for locale ruRU)
     * define offhand frill as unfit for enchantments
     * resort raid activity tracker and add placeholder for ulduar
    * Config/Profiler
     * update config to enable/disable profiler in general, instead of just the queue
     * regenerate affected files on config change
    * Profiler/RaidTracker
     * ALL the Raids .. track em
    * DB/Structure
     * update collate to use utf8mb4
     * fixed creature paths being capped at 255 waypoints
    * Profiler
     * further optimize search
       - use achievement 4496 as shortcut for everything based around total achievement points
       - get talent distribution separately
       - get total profiler-items found separately
       - opt to not sort found results
     * fixed Profiles with zero Achievement Points
     * added cache key genrator i forgot :<
     * fixed typos
    * Pages/Home
     * implement random home titles
    * Misc
     * don't cache playlists
     * don't cache new custom profiles
     * forgot to sanitize and use param from js
    * Misc/Typos
    * Modelviewer
     * removed quality options (java .. holy crap!)
     * added animations menu
    * Misc/Typo
    * DB/Favorites
     * implement favorites for DB entries
     * click on the star besides the name of the entry to add it to a new quick menu
    * Profiler
     * translate anouncements for loc 3
     * fix queue locking up on error
     * fix queue status display
     * fix flagging real characters as private
    * Profiler
     * fixed directly accessing existing, but not yet fetched, profile
    * Profiler/Raid-Tracker
     * sort raids by difficulty to fix progress bars
     * rename raids to include raid sizes
    * Profiler/Tooltips
     * fixed display of titles
     * supply iconstring in the tooltip data as this does not rely on variables within global.js
       fixes externally embeded profile tooltips
    * Misc/Typos
     * fixed display of charges on GameObject Infobox
     * removed display of achievement points as cost from vendors
    * Profiler/Reputation
     * add missing base values for each race/class
    * JS/Locales
     * grep-fix multiple issues with replacement patterns and hrefs
    * pages/Search
     * fix searching by stat weights (used in Profiler, Item Comparison)
    * Setup/Spells
     * hide a lot of internal spells from searches
     * apply a faction to mount listing, so the Profiler can hide mounts from the opposite faction
     * apply GS to profession enchantments
    * BaseType
     * revert change to get number total results
       this partially reverts bf42973c
    * Profiler/Mounts
     * display class-specific mounts on their respective classes
    * Profiler
     * reworked default exclusions (hid some things entirely, flagged others for appropriate cases)
     * char names consisting of two letters are now valid
     * fixed matching enchantments onto ranged weapons
    * Profiler
     * fixed possible bug where a custom profile would load instead of the original character it was created from
    * Items/Armor
     * fixed handling of additional Armor
    * Spell/Detail Page
     * display effective MiscValue for effect PowerBurn
    * Profiler/Profiles
     * allow strings with less then 3 chars in name search
     * store name as binary to allow accent-sensitive search
       (note: guilds and arenateams have the same issue but utf8mb4_bin can't be applied blindly as the search also becomes case-sensitive (wich is already handled for profiles))
    * Profiler/Profiles
     * do not display deleted custom profiles in their parent profiles quick info
    * NPCs/Detail Page
     * fixed vendors displaying the same sell price for every item
    * Quest/Detail Page
     * display mail attachments besides the actual mail instead of extra tab
    * Quests/Categories
     * shuffled quests into a structure that seems sensible (menus should no longer point to dead pages or display 'undefined' links)
    * Quests/Misc
     * remove Uldaman from Eastern Kingdoms
     * add Crystalsong forest to Northrend
    * Misc/Fixups
     * fixed typo inlocalization
     * have the profiler queue run at least one cycle so it can get registered as successfully started
     * a map popup will no longer scroll the page to bottom
     * replaced an input placeholder image with proper placeholder property
    * Localization/Chinese
    * added support for locale 4
    * some strings are missing and will need to be translated at a later date
    * thx @qyh214 for a lot of content
    Co-authored-by: default avatarqyh214 <>
    * Item/ExtendedCost
     * display a "sells" entry for every combination of currencies the vendor accepts per item
     * display every cost combination in the quick infos on the item detail page
    * Spells/Mounts
     * group mounts into ground, flying & misc.
     * display mount speed bonus in listview
    * Spells/Tooltips
     * remove level scaling from tooltips (for now)
    * Profiler/Profiles
     * fixed regular characters being hidden by default
    * Profiler/Raids
     * fixed displaying individual encounters in raid activity tracker
    * Admin/WeightPresets
     * removed redundant code
     * fixed empty scales not being written to dataset as expected
    * Localization/deDE
     * kitsch is inappropriate???
    * Misc/Fixups
     * squash multiple notices from error log
     * fixed copy&paste error preventing view on custom profiles
     * fixed display of spell requirements if mount was required after changs to mount sorting
     * properly get/send error code in profile synchronisation
     * use clear:left after floating mail block in template
    * Profiler/Chars
     * prefix characters flagged for rename to prevent collision with real char names (multiple chars flagged for rename will still collide, but what the hoo haa)
     * alter table index to prevent creation and subsequent conflict with duplicate entries of the same char (realm/guid pair)
    * Reports
     * added timestamp column to db table
     * consolidated write operation
     * fixed storing reports when get_browser() would return empty
    * Ajax/Debug
     * be a lot more verbose when errors are occuring (to staff anyway)
     * made hardcoded error messages for comments localizable
     * add error messages from posting comments to session to be displayed on next page update
    * Spells/Filters
     * add various filters (mostly attribute flags)
     * resolve additional dbc-data on detail page
     * fixed DK rune indexing
    * Sounds/DetailPage
     * fixed generating links to play via the WoW API
     * fixed usage of not yet available PlaySoundKitID() when selecting file from list
     * while internally it is pretty laissez-faire about cases in file paths, suddenly WoW DOES care, when it comes to its LUA API.
       so .. don't cast to lowercase when storing sounds in DB
    * implemented type areatrigger
     * staff only
    * Spells/DetailPage
     * display spells affectged by category cooldowns
     * display items affected by category cooldowns defined in spell template
    * Objects/Filters
     * added filter for common spell foci
    * Search
     * made racial traits searchable under abilities
    * Lang/Races
      Hey Lang, what races does this thing have assigned?
       .. this will no longer happen
    * Pages/Achivement
     * resorted criteria to match ingame order
    * Pages/Quest
     * escape placeholder tags in quest name for display
    * Spell/TaxiPath
     * resolve taxi path routes on spells
     * fixed display of taxi paths on maps
    * Setup/Quests
     * update structure for TrinityCore/TrinityCore@2f5403d4af3a90a6e51a377e05a55a0d197afb4d (Thx @TheWinchesters for noticing)
     * updated README accordingly
    * SmartAI
     * parse and verbosely display smartAI for creatures, gameobjects and areatrigger
    * Page/Achievement
     * catch fatal error for achievements without criteria
    * PHP-Version
     * return type declarations require php v7.0 or newer
     * updated README and and version check accordingly
    * Spells/Models
     * fixed assigning same display to multiple spells from the same SpellList
     * fixes missing mounts in Profiler
    * Account/Cookies
     * fixed saving cookie-data to account
     * e.g. announcements shouldn't pop up again if you close them once
    * PHP/Core
     * enforced v7.1 compliance, preparations for v7.2
     * removed deprecated usage of each()
     * prefer array deconstruction via [] instead of calling list()
     * try to catch failed session_start()
     * prefer ... - Token instead of calling func_get_args() func_num_args()
     * enforce return types in AjaxHandler
     * revision push
    * Page/Search
     * always display tab to denote what type was found
    * Setup/DBconfig
     * remove nonfunctional placeholder file
     * its too confusing
    * Misc/Fixes
     * resolve two additional spell effects (11, 44)
     * fixed overzealous find/replace in Loot::iterate()
     * fixed wrong placeholder for type 32 in Conditions System
    * Misc/Fixes
     * cast GET-params to lower case
     * fixed typo in constant name
     * fixed scope issue when aggregating sql stats
    * Profiler/Names
     * handle duplicate names due to rename flags more gracefully
     * should fix infinite reload bug on newly renamed profies
    * Page/Search
     * dropped support of wildcard characters
     * search for literal usage of underscore
    * Page/Currency
     * display price column in "currency for" tab
    * Icons
     * add icon to infobox for db types with icon (*duh!*)
     * fixed a couple issues with markup icondb in the process
     * fixed wrong data display due to shared name fields on joined table
    * Creatures/Rank
     * set unused ranks to 0 during setup to fix display issues
    * Quest/Mails
     * apply table quest_mail_sender to display correct mail source
    * Adaptations to AzerothCore database
    * Updated, added spell_learn_spell table
    * Update README.MD
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSarjuuk <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMagnifikator <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSHIHUANG214 <>